Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Edwards Shows Why He Is A Threat

I have always been impressed with John Edwards. I think that he is a great speaker. Very JFK like. Plus Edwards knows the power of the New Media. He even announced that he was running first by posting a video on YouTube.

I know what many of the readers are now thinking: "But AShiningCity, John Edwards is a dirty Trial Lawyer! Trial Lawyers are slime! We can't have him for president!" (This post here voices some of those concerns). As a legal guy I am not that concerned that the man was a trial lawyer.

Others believe that Edwards doesn't have a shot in the dark...they believe that the man has a losing message.

These people are wrong for doubting Edwards' ability to win elections. Bottom line? Hillary and Obama better watch out for an Edwards attack!


"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction"--Ronald Reagan