Fascinating ACLU Poll
I discovered this very interesting ACLU Poll that poses the following question:
"What Age Should You Be In Order To....."
The poll touches upon everything from abortion to the ownership of a website.
Some things I found interesting about the results of the poll:
The Age An Individual Should Be Able To Decide To:
Have Sex: 13
Drive A Car: 15
"Mom, can you give me a ride to Susan's so I can give her the business?"
The Age An Individual Should be Able To Decide To:
Live On His Own: 16
Smoke a cigarette: 17
Ah, so a child is old enough to pay the bills, take care of himself, and maintain a house but not mature enough to smoke?
The Age An Individual Should Be Able To Decide To:
Have An Abortion: 11
Make A Medical Decision: 15
Hmm... I thought an abortion was a medical decision... foolish me.
Actually out of 21 different activities that were polled only "Owning A Website" had a lower age (10) than "Making the Decision To Have An Abortion" (11).
What the hell?
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