Friday, July 21, 2006

Deadlocked Supreme Court: "Someone's Voting Twice"

Thank goodness a buddy of mine sent me this article from the prestigious Onion online magazine. Such corruption needs to be made known to the American people.

Like I said to my buddy, I bet the cheater on the Court is Stephen Breyer.

Stephen Breyer is the biggest tool on the Supreme Court. Disagree with me? Check out the following picture:

"Oh look at me, I'm Justice Breyer and I like to

teach kids how to read. Please kick my ass."

I have heard rumors that when John "Big Man On Campus" Roberts first visited the Supreme Court he backhanded Justice Breyer and took his lunch money.

I bet by voting twice Breyer thinks he is getting back at Chief Justice Roberts by causing confusion on the Court. Whatever, like Johnny R. actually makes decisions based upon a "vote tally" anyway.

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